Contact Us

Have questions or need help with our apps? Use the contact form to reach out and we will be in touch with you as quickly as possible.

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Feel free to contact us with any questions about our apps. We are glad to talk with you. Just fill out the contact form. 

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Popular questions

Answers to some of the popular questions are below. Get help with the most frequently asked questions.

You can find all our apps on the Google Play Store under the NSS NIS account. Be free to visit our account and explore all our apps.

We try to offer our users a variety of interesting and beautiful applications, ringtones, age changers, card makers, photo editors, keyboards…

All our apps ( ringtones, age changer, card maker, photo editor, keyboards… ) are completely free.

All of our apps are published on the Google Play Store and must comply with all Google Play Store rules and guidelines designed to make apps safely accessible to all users.

You can get in touch with us via the Contact form or you can leave a comment on our apps at the Google Play Store.